Update 2.0 Patch Notes
Summer fun with the Chameleon never has to stop, because Hot Wheels Rift Rally has a software update available today! Version 2.0 is available for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and iOS, and adds the following upgrades to your racing experience:
New Features and Improvements
- Increased the performance stats for all “Gotta Go” and “Winning Formula” car variants to match other car stat totals.
- Added forward error correction to improve the Chameleon camera’s connection stability on slower connections.
- Added backend telemetry to verify the connected Chameleon’s manufacturing date for support assistance.
- Added an orange dot indicator to the top bar indicating that newly-acquired Mystery Programs and Overclock Tokens are ready to use.
- iOS: Removed the bottom navigation bar and consolidated all menu navigation to the top bar.
- iOS: Enlarged the “Start Driving” button and resized several UI elements for better legibility on mobile.
- Added backend support for future content updates.
Additional Fixes
- Fixed an issue where closing the game software during Co-Op results would cause a soft-lock when entering the single player Campaign.
- Fixed a related issue preventing Campaign missions from unlocking if game software was closed during Co-Op results.
- Fixed multiple errors caused by disconnecting from a Network Race lobby after other players have readied up then reconnecting, including seeing the wrong cars displayed, incorrect text, warning spam, significant lag, or disconnections from the lobby.
- iOS: Fixed a soft-lock caused by selecting the connection HUD icon during a Network Race.
- The Electro Radio Station now plays correct audio on all platforms.
- Removed the audio delay between the Scrap Dragon’s animations and roar SFX.
- Reduced the volume for SFX played when colliding with a snow pile in the Shevrani Tundra.
- iOS: Fixed an issue preventing SFX from playing when navigating in sub-menus.
- iOS: Fixed an issue with triggering menu prompts by dragging items over prompt buttons.
- iOS: Fixed a visual glitch caused by a Network Race host disconnecting and players switching control settings.
- Fixed an error in the description for the Tidal Wave special ability.
- PS5: Fixed several collision errors with cones and construction barricades lacking knockback on Mirage Site-13.
- PS4: Fixed a rare crash occurring during Training missions.
- PS4 Pro: Fixed an issue where players are unable to pair after rest mode.
Got questions? Found an issue to report? Then reach out to us by submitting a ticket! Thanks, racers, for helping make Hot Wheels Rift Rally the best it can be! Now… back to track building!